Storm Preparedness For Your Roof

Essential Tips For The Upper Midwest

In the upper Midwest, where weather can be as unpredictable as it is harsh, preparing your roof for storms is critical. Effective storm preparedness can prevent costly damage, extend the life of your roof, and ensure the safety of those within the property. Here are essential tips to help you protect your investment before the next big storm hits.

1. Regular Inspections:

Schedule regular inspections to ensure your roof is in good condition and identify potential vulnerabilities. An inspection can uncover missing shingles, cracks, and other issues that might compromise roof integrity during a storm.

2. Clean Gutters and Downspouts:

Ensure that your gutters and downspouts are free from debris. Clogged gutters can lead to water buildup, which can cause damage to your roof and siding during heavy rains.

3. Trim Trees and Secure Loose Items:

Trimming branches that hang over your roof can prevent damage from falling limbs. Additionally, secure or store outdoor items that could become airborne and damage your roof during high winds.

4. Check and Reinforce Flashing:

Flashing—the material that seals and protects the joints around your roof fixtures such as chimneys, vents, and skylights—should be securely fastened and intact. Poorly attached or worn flashing can lead to leaks during storms.

5. Consider Impact-Resistant Materials:

For areas frequently hit by hail or severe storms, consider upgrading to impact-resistant roofing materials. These can withstand harsh conditions better than standard materials and can provide long-term savings and protection.

6. Review Your Insurance Coverage:

Make sure your insurance policy covers the types of damage your property might incur during a storm. Understand your policy details, including deductibles and coverage limits.

7. Develop an Emergency Plan:

Having an emergency plan in place ensures that you and your family or employees know what to do in case of a storm. This should include how to quickly secure property and where to go if evacuation is necessary.


Taking proactive steps to prepare your roof for storms can drastically reduce the likelihood of severe damage. Shield Roofing offers comprehensive inspections and repair services to help keep your roof in top condition, providing peace of mind through every season.

Don’t wait for the forecast to turn grim—contact Shield Roofing today to schedule a professional inspection and ensure your roof is ready to handle whatever the weather brings.